Removing tracks, busses, and outputs – Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual
Page 106

Chapter 5
Working in the Timeline
Showing and Hiding Track, Bus, and Output Envelopes
Clicking the automation disclosure triangle for a track or bus shows the volume and
pan envelopes, which you can use to automate changes to pan position and volume
level over the course of the project. Clicking the triangle for an output shows the
output’s volume envelope. The envelopes appear in the Timeline below the track, bus,
or output. You can also add envelopes for effect parameters, which appear below the
other envelopes. For information on adding envelopes for effect parameters, see
Chapter 9, “
To show the envelopes for a track, bus, or output:
Click the envelopes disclosure triangle in the header for a track, bus, or output. Click
the disclosure triangle again to hide the envelopes.
Note: If you automate controls or effects using envelopes, you hear the results whether
or not the envelopes are visible.
For information on automating changes to volume, pan, and other settings, see
Chapter 10, “
Removing Tracks, Busses, and Outputs
You can remove a track, bus, or output if you decide you no longer want it in a project.
To remove a track, bus, or output, do one of the following:
Select the track, bus, or output, then choose Multitrack > Remove [item] (or press
Control-click in the track, bus, or output, then choose Remove [item] from the shortcut
The [item] changes depending on whether a track, bus, or output is selected.
Click the envelopes
disclosure triangle.
The envelopes appear
below the track in the