Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual

Page 32

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Chapter 2

The Soundtrack Pro Interface

 Waveform View and Spectrum View buttons: Change the display between Waveform

view and Spectrum view.

 Time display: Shows the current position of the playhead.
 Global Waveform view: Shows you a miniature view of the entire waveform and the

playhead position, and lets you move quickly to different parts of an audio file.

 Waveform display (and editing area): Shows the waveform of the audio file (or its

frequency spectrum, in Spectrum view). You can select parts of the audio file to
apply different actions to.

 Level meters: Show the levels of the audio file as it plays.
 Transport controls: Control playback and the position of the playhead, and turn

recording on or off. (For more information, see “

Transport Controls

” on page 25.)

 Playhead: Shows the part of the audio file currently playing.
 Actions and Analysis buttons: Shows either the Actions list and related controls, or the

Analysis Type, Parameter, and Analysis Results lists and related controls.

When the Actions button is active, the following items are available:

 Effects button: Shows the Effects tab, where you can add realtime effects to the


 Actions pop-up menu: Choose menu items to flatten actions, delete actions, and

perform other operations.

 Actions list: Shows the actions you apply to the project.
 Action Insert bar: Shows where new actions will be added in the Actions list, and

which actions are heard when you play the project.

 Actions list: You can add, select, and reorder actions in the list.

When the Analysis button is selected, the following items replace the Actions list:

 Analysis Type list: Lists the types of analysis you can select.
 Parameters list: Some analysis types (Click/Pop and Silence) have parameters you can

adjust before analyzing the file. The parameters appear in this list.

 Analyze button: Click to analyze the file for the problems selected in the Analysis

Type list.

 Analysis Results list: Lists items found by analyzing the file.

Action Insert bar


Actions/Analysis buttons

Actions menu

Effects button