Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual

Page 255

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Chapter 14

Using Soundtrack Pro With Apple Professional Applications


For any audio file project, regardless of whether it originated in Final Cut Pro or another
application, you can select the Render checkbox when you save the project to save a
render file with the project.

When you have followed the steps described above, the clip is updated in Final Cut Pro.
You hear the clip with the changes you made in the Waveform Editor without having to
reimport the clip. You can make roundtrips between Final Cut Pro and Soundtrack Pro
by Control-clicking the clip in Final Cut Pro and choosing Open in Editor from the
shortcut menu, editing the audio file project in Soundtrack Pro, then saving the project.
Each time you save the project, the clip is updated in Final Cut Pro.

Editing a Final Cut Pro Clip Destructively in the Waveform Editor

You can edit a Final Cut Pro clip destructively by opening it in the Waveform Editor.
When you edit a clip destructively, you hear the clip with the changes you made in the
Waveform Editor, without having to reimport the clip. You can save the clip as an audio
file project in the Waveform Editor, so you can reopen it later and continue editing.

To edit a clip destructively in the Waveform Editor:


Control-click the clip in the Final Cut Pro Timeline or Bin, then choose Open in Editor
from the shortcut menu.

Soundtrack Pro opens and the clip appears in the Waveform Editor.


Edit the clip in the Waveform Editor.

You can edit the audio file project in the Waveform Editor using the commands and
functions described in Chapter 7, “

Working in the Waveform Editor

,” on page 143. You

can apply actions or analyze the file and fix analyzed problems.


When you are finished editing the clip, choose File > Save.


Click Save.

You can also save the clip by choosing File > Save As. If you save the clip using the Save
As command, be sure the name, location, and file type in the Save As dialog are the
same as for the clip’s source file.

You can also save the clip as an audio file project. If you save the clip as an audio file
project, you can reopen the project in the Waveform Editor and make further changes.
To use the updated clip in Final Cut Pro you must save it as an audio file and import the
audio file, replacing the existing clip.