Overlap mode – Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual

Page 85

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Chapter 4

Working With Multitrack Projects



The project key sets the root note (or tonic) for the project. When you add looping files
to a project, their key is matched to the project key. You can set the project key to any
note of the chromatic scale (from A through G#), or to None (–). The default key is A.

Note: The key does not determine the scale used (major, minor, or another scale), only
the tonic or root note of the project.

To set the project key:


Choose a key from the Key pop-up menu.

Overlap Mode

The project overlap mode determines what happens when you move an audio clip so
that it partially or completely overlaps another clip on the Timeline. There are two
overlap modes: crossfade mode and truncate mode.

In crossfade mode, when you drag an audio clip so that it partially overlaps another
audio clip in a track in the Timeline, a crossfade is created for the overlapped part of
the two audio files. You can adjust the boundaries of the crossfade in the Timeline. In
truncate mode, when you drag an audio clip so that it partially overlaps another audio
clip in a track in the Timeline, the overlapped part of the clip is truncated.

To set the project overlap mode:


Click the Crossfade Mode button to set the project to crossfade mode, or click the
Truncate Mode button to set the project to truncate mode.

Key pop-up menu

Truncate Mode

Crossfade Mode