Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual

Page 299

background image



tagging with Apple Loops Utility 263–278
time stretching 160, 166
unable to find 74
WAV 56

audio input 14
audio interfaces 15
audio output 14, 18–19
audio postproduction 7, 198
audio repair. See
analysis tools
audio tracks. See tracks
Audio Units plug-ins 14, 195
Auto Gain parameter 205
automation 219–233

described 219
envelopes 219–227
modes for 228
processing effects 216
realtime effects 213
recording automation data 228–229
recording in Mixer 140
Timeslices 229–233

Automation Mode pop-up menu 26, 29, 31
automation modes

Latch 228
Read 228
Touch 228

automation recording sensitivity 76
automation sensitivity 229


Back button 34, 35
bandpass filters 200
bandwidth 200
bass frequency range 200
batch tagging 263
Beat display 52
beat divisions 82
beat markers 120–122
beats 82, 84, 98
Beats-based format 82, 83, 98, 104, 233
Beats-based time 52, 53, 192
Beginning value slider 44
Bin tab

adding audio files from 89
described 38
storing files in 67–68

bit depths 15, 56, 144, 291
boost 19, 198–200
Browser tab 34, 58
bus controls 91, 102–106

adding 100
adjusting pan position 102
adjusting volume 102
changing icon for 101

copying 101
described 93
effects 104–105
envelopes for 106
exporting 248–249
moving 101
muting 103
numbered 101
overview 91
removing 106
renaming 101
selecting 100
sends routed to 212
setting height of 97
soloing 103
working with 99–106


control surface 245–246
mapping commands to 245–246
Toolbar 49

Button view 36, 37, 60, 63–65
Button View button 37, 60
bypass 211, 213
Bypass button 161


cables, audio 17–18
camcorders 15
Can’t Find File dialog 74
Cancel button 161
Category list 39
Category pop-up menu 37
CD-ROM discs 14

audio 76, 291
distributing projects on 247
sample rate 76, 291

center frequency 200
chaining effects 210–211
channel layout, editing 251

selecting in Waveform editor 155–156
swapping 163

Channel Strip pop-up menu 29
channel strips 29–30

adding to Mixer 126
changing icon for 131
copying 127
described 125
effects 134–136
enabling for recording 131
muting 130
pan position 129
removing 134
renaming 131