Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual
Page 307

QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component 183
RAM 13
RCA connectors 18
Read Before You Install document 13
Read mode 228
realtime effects 207–215
See also effects
adding 208–209
adjusting parameters 209
advanced settings 215
automation 213
bouncing 170
bypassing 211
chaining 210–211
overview 195
parameters 213
presets 217
removing 214
reordering 211
resetting to defaults 214
sends and 212–213
showing 170
working with 207–215
Record button 25, 55, 237, 238
Record Enable button 27, 31, 236, 240
recording audio 235–241
analog recording 290
digital recording 290–291
disk space and 235
eliminating latency 294
enabling channel strips for 131
enabling tracks for recording 236
keyboard shortcuts 285
in Mixer 140, 240
multiple takes 238–239
preferences 77
preparing for 235
procedure for 289–292
saving recorded clips 239
sessions location 77
single takes 237
in Timeline 236–239
in Waveform Editor 240–241
recording automation in Mixer 140
recording control surface automation 246
Recording pane 235
Recording preferences 77, 235
recording sessions, save location 77
Recording tab 41, 236, 238
Redo command 71
Reduce Noise command 168–169
reference movies 147
regeneration 202, 203
Remove Effect button 39
Render checkbox 146, 254, 255, 259, 260
render file for Final Cut Pro 254
rendering 146
Resample command 167
Reset button 42, 139, 161
Reset Effect button 39
resources 9
reverb 196
reverb effects 196, 203–204
reverberation 203
reverb time, 203
Reverse command 163
ripple cut 281
ripple delete 281
roll-off filters 200
root note 85
roundtrips 183, 254, 255, 258, 259
RTAS plug-in 14
Sample Edit tool 159
sample rates
audio files 83
choosing 167
described 83, 291
digital video 83
hardware 83
importing audio files 56
multiframe projects 83
Soundtrack Pro and 15
Waveform Editor 144, 167
Sample ruler 152
described 290
editing 159
reversing 163
sample units 149
saving items
actions as AppleScript droplets 181
audio file projects 146–148
audio files 147–148
compressed project versions 87
multitrack projects 86–87
project and audio files together 87, 252
recorded clips 239
scale type 276
Scale Type pop-up menu 37
scoring markers 122, 190–193
scripting actions 181
scripts 181, 256
scroll bars 27, 94