Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual
Page 37

Chapter 2
The Soundtrack Pro Interface
 Button and Column view buttons: Change the view to either Button or Column view.
 Category pop-up menu: Restricts the available keywords to a particular category.
 Setup button: Displays the Search Setup dialog, from which you add items to the
Search database.
 Time Signature pop-up menu: Restricts search results to files with the selected time
 File Type pop-up menu: Choose whether to display all files, or only looping or non-
looping files.
 Scale Type pop-up menu: Restricts search results to audio files using the selected
 Keyword buttons (Button view only): Displays files matching the keyword in the
Results list.
 Keywords list (Column view only): Displays files matching the keyword in the Results
list, and displays subcategories in the Matches list.
 Matches list (Column view only): Displays subcategories of the selected keywords.
 Search Text field: Type text in the field to display matching files whose filename or
path contains the search text.
 Nearby Keys button: Restricts search results to keys within two semitones above or
below the project key.
 Search Results list: Displays the files matching the selected search criteria, in
alphabetical order. Includes columns displaying the tempo, key, and number of beats
of each file. You can click files to preview them.
 Add Favorite button: Adds the selected item to Favorites.
 Preview controls: Include Play and Mute buttons and a volume slider. For information
on using the Preview controls, see “
 Media pop-up menu: Choose menu items to add a Favorite, add a file to the Bin,
open a file in the Waveform Editor, and perform other functions.