Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual
Page 300

reordering 127
selecting 126
sends 137
setting outputs for 129–130
soloing 130
stereo level meters 133
volume levels 127–128
working with 125–134
chorus effects 201
Clear Fixed button 33
clicks 178
Clip display 43
clipped signals 178
clipping 138, 139, 198
clipping indicators 139
clips. See audio clips; video clips
Clip Speed pop-up menu 43
Collect Source File checkbox 147
Column view 36, 37, 60, 60–62
Column View button 37, 60
compressed, saving projects 87
compression 87, 197
Compressor application 46, 250–251
compressors 197
Computer button 34
connectors 17–18
controls 125, 245
control surfaces 243–246
adding 244
automation modes 246
connecting 243
deleting 244
described 243
FireWire audio interface 21
mapping commands to 245–246
preferences 79
premapped controls 245
recording movements 246
support of 19
types of 243
using 243
Control Surfaces preferences 79
Convert to Mono command 167
Copy from Next Point button 44
Copy from Previous Point button 44
copying items
audio clips 108
audio in Waveform Editor 157
channel strips 127
envelope points 225
Timeslices 231
Correlation meter 204
crossfade mode 85, 112
adjusting 112
creating 85, 111–112
customer support 293–295
Customize sheet 49, 50
cutoff frequency 200
cuts 204, 281
cutting items
audio clips 108
audio files 157
envelope points 225
frequencies 198, 199
peak levels 197
Timeslices 231
Cycle button 25, 55, 238
cycling playback 98–99
daisy-chaining 15
DC offset 178
decay time 203
delay 196
delay effects 196, 202
delay rate 202
delay time 203
deleting items
actions 176
audio clips 108, 119
beat markers 122
busses 106
channel strips 134
control surfaces 244
effects 136
envelope points 225–226
layouts 48
markers 122
outputs 106
realtime effects 214
scoring markers and 122
time markers 122
Timeslices 231, 232
tracks 106
unable to delete scoring markers 122
video clips from projects 193
Denoiser effect 206
depth 202
descriptors 266, 277
Details tab 43–44, 188–189
diagnostic effects 196, 204–205
digital audio 14
digital audio connectors 18
digital audio interfaces 15
Digital Cinema Desktop 187
digital recording 290–291
digital video 83