Adjust amplitude, Silence, Invert – Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual

Page 163: Reverse, Swap channels, Insert

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Chapter 7

Working in the Waveform Editor


Adjust Amplitude

Choosing this command raises or lowers the gain of the audio file or selection by the
amount shown in the Amplitude Level field. When you choose Process > Adjust
Amplitude, the level shown in the field is zero (0) dB, or unity gain.

To set the amplitude level:


Choose Process > Adjust Amplitude.


In the Adjust Amplitude dialog, drag the Amplitude Level slider or select the value in
the Amplitude Level field and type a new value.


Click OK.


Choosing this command replaces the audio file or selection with complete silence.


Choosing this command inverts the phase of each sample in the audio file or selection.
Each sample’s amplitude is unchanged, but the phase is inverted. In the waveform
display, the wave’s crests become troughs and vice versa.


Choosing this command reverses the order of the samples in the audio file or selection
so that the first sample becomes the last and vice versa.

Swap Channels

Choosing this command swaps the left and right channel of a stereo audio file or
selection. If the file is mono, Swap Channels is disabled.


You can insert silence, noise, or a waveform in an audio file or selection. When you
choose Process > Insert, then choose one of the three items from the Insert submenu,
the silence, noise, or waveform is inserted at the current playhead position. The
remainder of the audio file ripples so that it continues after the inserted silence, noise,
or waveform.

Inserting Silence

When you choose Process > Insert, then choose Silence from the Insert submenu, the
Insert Silence sheet appears. You can set the length of silence to insert, and choose the
format for setting the length of the silence (any of the Time Ruler Units formats).