Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual

Page 301

background image



directories 65–67
disk space 14, 41, 235
disk space indicator 41
distortion 196, 198, 292
distortion effects 196
distributing projects 247, 252
dithering 147
Dock, minimizing windows to 47
downsampling 83
drag handles 27, 30, 91, 92
drop frames 190
droplets 181, 283
dry signal 203
dual mono files 248–249
Duration value slider 43, 44

audio 76, 291
distributing projects on 247
sample rate 76, 291
video for 83

DVD Studio Pro, editing clips from 260
dynamic range 18, 178, 197, 205, 292
dynamics 196
dynamics effects 196, 197–198


editing items

actions 172
audio clips 107–119
audio files in Waveform Editor 154–160
channel layout 251
clip properties 89–90
destructive edits 253, 255, 260
DVD Studio Pro clips in Waveform Editor 260
envelope points 224–225
Final Cut Pro clips in Waveform Editor 253–255
keyboard shortcuts for 281–284
Motion audio tracks in Waveform Editor 258–259
nondestructive edits 253–255, 258
samples 159
with Soundtrack Pro scripts 256

education users 11
Effect list 39, 105, 207, 208
effect parameters 39, 207
Effect Parameters area 39, 105
effect presets 217–218
effects 195–214

adding 134
bus 104–105
channel strips 134–136
chorus 201
delay 196, 202
deleting 136
Denoiser effect 206
described 195

diagnostic 196, 204–205
distortion 196, 198
dynamics 196, 197–198
envelopes and 220, 227
EQ 196, 198–201
filter 196, 198–201
included with Soundtrack Pro 196–207
miscellaneous 196, 206–207
Mixer 134–136
modulation 196, 201–202
output 104–105
processing. See processing effects
realtime. See realtime effects
reordering 135
replacing 136
reverb 196, 203–204
settings 135
Stereo Spread plug-in 207
tail 170, 171
third-party 14
time-based 202–204
track 104–105
turning off 136
turning on 136, 137
types of 196–207

Effects button 27, 32, 104–105
effects chains 195, 210–211
effects slots 30
Effects submenu 161–162
Effects tab

adding effects to channel strips 135
adding effects to tracks/busses/outputs 104–105
overview 39
realtime effects 207–215

enabling track for recording 131, 236
end-of-project marker 86
End value slider 44
envelope points 221–226

adding 221
changing position of 223, 224
changing values of 223
copying 225
cutting 225
deleting 225–226
editing 224–225
information about 44
moving 219, 222
nudging 225
pasting 226
reducing number of 229
scoring markers and 192
selecting 222
viewing details 224

envelopes 219–229

adding 227
bus 106