Viewing information about pod licenses, Viewing the lid and the, Software packages installed in the device – Brocade Communications Systems Brocade ICX 6650 User Manual

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Brocade ICX 6650 Administration Guide



Viewing information about PoD licenses


To delete a specific license file from a unit, enter the following command at the privileged EXEC
level of the CLI.

Brocade# license delete unit 1 index 1

Syntax: license delete unit unit_id [all | index license_index]

The unit_id variable specifies the unit ID number. The unit ID number is 1.

The all option allows you to delete all license files for a specific unit.

The index license_index option specifies the software license file, and is generated by the member
unit. The license index number is the license file you want to delete from a unit.

Deleting a 10 GbE or 40 GbE license requires a system reload for the command to take effect.

Viewing information about PoD licenses

This section describes the show commands associated with PoD licensing. These commands are
issued on the Brocade device, at any level of the CLI.


You can also view information about PoD licenses from the Brocade software portal. Refer to

“Viewing PoD licensing information from the Brocade software portal”

on page 80.

Viewing the LID and the software packages
installed in the device

Brocade devices that ship during and after the release of PoD licensing have the License ID (LID)
imprinted on the label affixed to the device. You also can use the show version CLI command to
view the LID on these devices, and on devices that shipped before the release of PoD licensing.

Use the show version command to display the serial number, software and hardware license
package name, and LID of all units in the device. The following example is sample output from a
Brocade ICX 6650 device with the package, ICX6650_L3_SOFT_PACKAGE, installed on unit 1.


The software package name is not the same as the license name.