Importing coordinates in latitude and longitude – Triton TritonNav User Manual

Page 30

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Making or Using a Survey Plan

Using Delph Nav


CHAPTER 1: Using DelphNav™ (Survey Control Panel) 2004.06.28

Importing Coordinates in Latitude and Longitude

When importing coordinates in Lat/Long format, the following formats are supported:
• Decimal Degrees, DD.DDDDDD (e.g., 57.234567, 03.005678)
• Degrees Decimal Minutes, DD.MMDDD (e.g., 57.14074, 03.003407)
• Degrees Minutes Seconds, DDMMSS.SS (e.g., 571404.44, 030020.44)


No spaces are allowed. Positive longitudes are east, negative are west. Positive
latitudes are north, negative are south.

To import lines or points from an ASCII file into DelphNav


Click the

Import objects from an ASCII file

button (icon shown to the


The system displays an Open dialog box.


Browse for and select the ASCII text file to be imported; click



import it.

The system displays the ASCII importation setup dialog box (Figure 13).

In the example shown in Figure 13, the ASCII file only has Eastings and Northings,
and they are correctly arranged (Eastings first, then Northings) according to the default
import option of DelphNav. However, the default Positions, Descriptions, and Units
can be modified to accommodate different layouts or units (e.g., Latitude and Longi-
tude in decimal degrees).