HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 194

->Add: Allows you to move journal groups selected in the left JNLG list to the right JNLG list.
<-Cancel: Allows you to move journal groups selected in the right JNLG list to the left JNLG list.
Mirror ID: Allows you to specify a mirror ID.
Num of JNLG: Displays the number of journal groups:
• Current: The number of journal groups already registered in the storage system.
• Total in DKC: The number of journal groups in the storage system after journal groups are
registered or removed.
• Total in EXCTG: The number of journal groups in the extended consistency group after journal
groups are registered or removed.
Set: Applies the settings in the window to the Preview list of the EXCTG Operation window.
Cancel: Cancels the settings.
Removing Journal Groups from an Extended Consistency
The EXCTG Operation window allows you to remove journal groups from an extended consistency group.
To remove journal groups from an extended consistency group, follow the procedure below. To perform
this operation, you must be logged in to the supervisor DKC:
Ensure that the XP Remote Web Console main window is in Modify mode.
For detailed information about how to do this, please refer to XP Remote Web Console User’s Guide.
Ensure that the EXCTG Operation window is displayed.
In the EXCTG Operation window (
on page 187), do one of the following:
• From the list, select and right-click the journal group(s) that you want to remove.
• If you want to remove all journal groups from all extended consistency groups, select and
right-click Registered from the tree.
• If
want to remove all journal groups from an extended consistency group, select and
right-click the extended consistency group from the tree or the list.
• If you want to remove all journal groups from a storage system, select and right-click the
storage system from the tree or the list.
• If you want to remove all journal groups from an extended consistency group belonging to
an LDKC, select and right-click the LDKC from the tree.
From the pop-up menu, select JNL Groups and Remove JNLG from EXCTG.
See the Preview list to check the journal group(s) to be removed.
If you want to cancel removal of a journal group, select and right-click the journal group and
then select Cancel.
Select Apply to remove the journal group(s).
• If an error occurs, the rightmost column of the Preview list displays the error code. To view
detailed information about the error, right-click the error code and then select Error Detail. An
error message appears and gives you detailed information about the error.
• If you cannot remove journal groups, follow the instructions in the next section to remove
the journal groups forcibly.
Removing Journal Groups from Extended Consistency Groups
You can remove journal groups from an extended consistency group anytime, regardless of the status
of the journal groups. Also, if you delete all data volumes from a journal group in an extended
Using Extended Consistency Groups