Ldev information table, Ldev status icons – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
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volume (for example, if LDEV volume 01:00 consists of five concatenated LDEVs, its number is
01:00*5). One of the following icons appear.
Table 31 LDEV status icons
LDEV status
Normal LDEV
Variable-sized volume (CV)
Expanded (LUSE) volume
LDEV Information table
This table is in the upper-right of the Volume Manager pane, and displays data for the LDEV you
select in the LDEV Information tree.
The LDEV Information table displays detailed information for all open-system LDEVs in the selected
CU. If you select a normal LDEV, the information in this table is for the top LDEV. If you select a LUSE
volume, the information in this table is for all LDEVs in the LUSE volume. The table displays the following
LDEV: LDEV status icon (
) and the CU and LDEV numbers. If the selected LDEV is a LUSE
volume, the LDEV number of the top LDEV in the LUSE volume appears.
If an LDEV number ends with # (for example, 00:01#), the LDEV is an external LU. For more
information about external LUs, see the
HP StorageWorks External Storage XP user guide.
If an LDEV number ends with V (for example, 00:01V), the LDEV is a virtual volume (V-VOL). For
more information about V-VOLs, see the
HP StorageWorks Snapshot XP user guide.
Emulation: Emulation type. If the selected LDEV is a LUSE volume, the emulation type appears with
an asterisk and the number of volumes in the LUSE volume (for example, OPEN-E*5). If the selected
LDEV is a CVS volume, the emulation type appears with CVS (for example, OPEN-3 CVS).
Capacity: LDEV capacity in either MB or GB, depending on the unit selected in the Capacity Unit
RAID: LDEV's RAID level.
The RAID level is left unspecified with a hyphen (-) when the LDEV is an external LU or virtual
volume (V-VOL).
PG: Combination of the disk group and parity group. If the LDEV extends over two or more parity
groups, the smaller parity group number appears.
Volume Manager operations