Ping pane, Ping status pane – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
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Click Ping below the Package tree. The Ping pane appears.
Figure 61 Ping pane
From the From (Subsystem Port) list, select an iSCSI port.
In To (IP Address) box, enter the host's IP address.
Click OK.
A ping command is issued from the iSCSI port to the host five times. After the ping command is
issued five times, the Ping Status pane appears and displays the results of the first to fifth attempts
at issuing the ping command. The results appear in the order attempts were made.
Figure 62 Ping Status pane
On the Ping Status pane, check the results of the ping command.
• If the host responded to the ping command, the Status column displays Success.
• If the host did not respond to the ping command, the Status column displays Error.
• The Success Rate field displays the ping command's success rate. If the host responds to each
of the five ping attempts, the success rate is 100 percent. If the host responds three times out
of five ping attempts, the success rate is 60 percent.
Click OK.
XP LUN Configuration and Security Manager Software operations