7 results editor – Techne PrimeQ User Manual

Page 93

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3.7 Results Editor

3.7.1 Post-run analysis main screen

At the end of a run, if an analysis method was assigned to a stage with a read, the analysed
readings (calculated using either the software defaults or parameters set by the user prior to the
run) will be presented in the Results Editor. If no analysis method was setup, only the raw
fluorescence data will be displayed.

The appearance of the main screen closely resembles that of the Experiment Editor, displaying the
program, plate layout and analysis information in their respective panes and allows the user to
change the plate layout and analysis parameters post-run. The main screen, as shown, is always
the first, left-hand tab.

A. Results tabs: The results for each of the program stages assigned a read can be viewed by

clicking on the appropriate tab. The results for each stage are analysed according to the
defined analysis parameters as discussed in Chapter 4.

B. Program pane: Allows the user to view the program settings but not to edit the program (since

the program has completed). As such, the New and Browse functions are greyed-out.

• Click View to open the Program within the Program Editor. The program will appear as it did

on setup, the only difference being that the user cannot edit or change any settings.

C. Plate layout pane: Appears as it does in the Experiment Editor and has the same functionality

in terms of editing the layout, browsing for a template from the library files or designing a
layout from new (section 3.4).

D. Analysis Selection: Appears as it does in the Experiment Editor and also has the same


• Click Edit to enter the Analysis Wizard to view the settings or to change the method of

analysis. The results tab appropriate to the stage will then be updated accordingly. The user
can change any of the parameters and re-analyse the results as many times as desired as
long as the experimental design supports a particular analysis method.

3.7.2 Viewing the results of a run

Click on a results tab on the Results Editor main screen to view the results for a particular stage.
The stage name tab, called here Amplification, brings up the results relevant to that stage
analysed according to the user-defined settings.