Techne PrimeQ User Manual

Page 129

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• Click through to the Summary window and click Finish. Viewing relative quantification results

During the run, the real-time collection of data can be monitored in the Run Screen. The plate
layout shows the fluorescence curve on a per-well basis and the temperature profile plot indicates
how far the run has progressed.

When the run has completed, results can be viewed in the Results Editor with data from each
stage of the run located under its own tab.

The Results Editor will display relative quantification data consisting of the plate layout and the
standard curve for each reporter.

• Scroll down the Dye to View options to display the full results for each individual reporter.

This will appear in the same format as displayed when using a single reporter in that there is
a baseline correction graph (if chosen in the analysis setup), a quantification cycles graph
and the standard curve.

• Scroll down the Dye to View and select Combined standard curves to display the standard

curves for each reporter on the same plot. The details of each standard curve can be useful
when optimizing reactions in preparation for multiplexing.