3 stopping or pausing a run – Techne PrimeQ User Manual

Page 91

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Fluorescence graph: Data for a particular stage will be displayed in the graph. Choose to

display readings for the entire plate or just for selected wells. Change the dye being viewed
using the Dye to View option.

Well view: A fluorescence curve is displayed in each well as the PCR progresses. Highlight

a well(s) with the mouse to display the fluorescence data for that well(s) in the adjacent
graph. To return to viewing all filled wells, click just outside the top left-hand corner of the
plate view. Click again to leave all wells viewed but deselected (highlighted).

Stop/Pause: These commands can be activated from either the PC or the instrument

(provided the instrument buttons were not disabled in the Program setup). If the stop button
is pressed then the user is queried as to whether the run should be stopped. If confirmed,
the instrument is sent an abort command and the software moves into the analysis with
whatever readings have been collected up to that point.

+10 Cycles: Adds 10 cycles to the current stage and is useful if the PCR is progressing

slower than expected.

Skip to Next: Skips the remainder of the current stage and starts the next stage. The

program profile updates accordingly. Note: if skipping to a Ramp Read stage it is
recommended that the skip occurs at the lowest temperature step in the previous cycle.

3.5.3 Stopping or pausing a run

From the instrument

The run can be stopped from the instrument LCD control buttons as long as they were not
disabled during program setup.

Press to pause the run. The screen will ask for confirmation of the pause

Press to stop. The screen will ask for confirmation of the stop command.

Information only.

From the Run Screen

The run can be paused or stopped from the Run Screen within Quansoft.

• Click the Stop or Pause buttons and confirm the command when prompted.

When a run is paused, the temperature will be held at whatever point the pause was confirmed.

If a run is stopped prematurely, the software does not progress to the analysis screen but alerts
the user as to what has occurred via an information dialogue box.
