Techne PrimeQ User Manual

Page 90

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From the Run Screen

As the PCR is in progress, the Run Screen displays the current status of the program in real time.
Fluorescence data is shown on a per-well basis with the different stages of the run (which have
readings) being displayed as separate tabs. The user can select an individual well to show the
fluorescence data for that well only. The readings are time-stamped and saved in the results data.
If Run to report was chosen from the menu bar, on completion of the run the software will
automatically analyse the data and produce a report based on the user-defined settings.

Instrument information: Displays various details identifying the instrument, experiment

and program. The block temperature, lid temperature and time to completion are also

Program profile graph: Contains a profile of the PCR program depicting all cycles in the

run. The red line shows the temperature profile while the coloured circles are the dye
reading points (more than one dye is represented by different colours as defined during the
program setup). A vertical line provides the user with a visual representation of how far the
run has progressed. The program name and the stage the program is currently in are both
displayed at the bottom.

Results tabs: Each stage in the program that has been assigned with a read has a tab

labelled with the stage name given during the program setup. The current stage is located
uppermost but the user can click between tabs while the run is in progress to view results
for other stages.

Dye to view: Where multiple readings are being taken, change the reporter being displayed

using the drop-down menu. Only dyes assigned in the setup will be displayed so if only a
single reporter has been assigned, this option will be disabled.

Status lights: Indicate the instrument status

Instrument stopped or faulty

Instrument paused

Instrument run in progress