Displaying temperature warnings – Brocade FastIron SX Series Chassis Hardware Installation Guide User Manual

Page 105

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Fan status and speed fields


This Field... Displays...


The status of the fan. This field can be one of the following:

OK - The fan is functioning properly and is keeping the temperature of each module within an
acceptable temperature range.

Failed - The fan is not functioning properly or the fan control module cannot control the fan.


The speed at which the fan is currently operating (denoted by double brackets).

This field shows one of the following:

1 (low) - The fan is functioning at 25 percent of capacity.

2 (medium-low) - The fan is functioning at 37 percent of capacity.

3 (medium) - The fan is functioning at 50 percent of capacity.

4 (high) - The fan is functioning at 100 percent of capacity.

If the report shows that a fan has "failed", the report does not show the fan’s speed.

Displaying temperature warnings

If the temperature of a module exceeds the high temperature threshold for any of the fan speeds, the
system sends a message to the system log. This section describes how to view the system log. If you
have configured the system to use a Syslog server, refer to the documentation for the server or

To display the system log, enter the following command at any CLI level.

device# show log


Dynamic Log Buffer (50 lines):

0d00h06m25s:N:System: Fan speed changed automatically to 2

0d00h05m14s:N:System: Fan speed changed automatically to 1

0d00h00m15s:I:System: Interface ethernet 8/1, state up

0d00h00m14s:I:System: Cold start


Syntax: show log

Displaying the Syslog configuration and static and dynamic buffers

For information about configuring Syslog, refer to the FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide.

To display the Syslog parameters currently in effect on a system, enter the following command from any
level of the CLI.

device> show logging

Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 flushes, 0 overruns)

Buffer logging: level ACDMEINW, 7 messages logged

level code: A=alert C=critical D=debugging M=emergency E=error

I=informational N=notification W=warning


Displaying temperature warnings

Brocade FastIron SX Series Chassis Hardware Installation Guide

