Debug pp-trunk-hash – Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference User Manual
Page 63
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
debug pp-trunk-hash
debug pp-trunk-hash
Traces and displays the output port through which a given packet can be sent out in a trunk.
debug pp-trunk-hash [trunk_port | ingress_port]
debug pp-trunk-hash trunk_port
unicast-distribution ip dmac smac [dst_ipv4 src_ipv4 dst_tcp/udp_port src_tcp/udp_port |
dst_ipv6 src_ipv6 dst_tcp/udp_port src_tcp/udp_port]
unicast-distribution non-ip dmac smac
debug pp-trunk-hash ingress_ port
v4-device sw_ trunk_ ID [registered-multicast vlan vidx | routed-flow dst_ipv4 src_ipv4
IPHdr_Protocol | switched-flow ip dst_ipv4 src_ipv4 | switched-flow non-ip dmac smac |
unregistered-multicast vlan]
v6-device sw_trunk_ID [routed-multicast-distribution vlan | unicast-distribution [ip dmac smac
[dst_ipv4 src_ipv4 [dst_tcp | udp_port] [src_tcp | udp_port] | dst_ipv6 src_ipv6 [dst_tcp |
udp_port] [src_tcp | udp_port]]| non-ip dmac smac]]
no debug pp-trunk-hash
Specifies the trunk member port number.
ingress_ port
Specifies the ingress port number.
unicast-distribution Generates debugging information related to unicast distribution.
ip dmac smac
Generates debugging information related to unicast IPv4 and IPv6
distribution for the specified destination MAC address and source MAC
address. The following variables are supported with this option.
Specifies the destination IPv4 address.
Specifies the source IPv4 address.
dst_tcp | udp_port
Specifies the destination TCP or UDP port number.
src_tcp | udp_port
Specifies the source TCP or UDP port number.
Specifies the destination IPv6 address.
Specifies the source IPv6 address.
non-ip dmac smac
Generates debugging information related to unicast non-IP distribution for the
specified destination MAC address and source MAC address.
sw_ trunk_ ID
Specifies the software trunk ID.
Generates debugging information related to the IPv4 device. The following
parameters are supported with this option.