Technical support diagnostics, Show tech-support, Chapter 9 – Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference User Manual
Page 197: Chapter
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
Technical Support Diagnostics
This chapter contains the following sections:
show tech-support
The show tech-support command is useful when collecting a large amount of information about the
Brocade FastIron devices for troubleshooting purposes. The output of this command can be used
by technical support representatives when a problem is reported.
show tech-support
Syntax: [no] show tech-support [acl | cluster | cpu | license | l2 | l3 | memory | multicast |
packet-loss | stack]
acl - Generates system and debugging information specific to ACL configurations and counters.
cluster - Generates system and debugging information specific to cluster configurations.
cpu - Generates CPU-related information.
license - Generates license-related information.
l2 - Generates system and debugging information specific to Layer 2 configurations.
l3 - Generates system and debugging information specific to Layer 3 configurations.
memory - Generates memory-related information of the device.
multicast - Generates system and debugging information specific to Layer 2 and Layer 3
multicast configurations.
packet-loss - Generates packet statistics-related debugging information.
stack - Generates system and debugging information specific to stacking configurations.
The show tech-support command displays the output of several show commands at once. The
output from this command varies depending on the router configuration.
The default output of the show tech-support command includes the following information:
Running configuration
Image version
Port status
Port counters
Static and dynamic log buffers
dm statistics
Boot, monitor, and system