Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference User Manual
Page 19
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
Layer 1 debug commands
If port 1/1/31 is disabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/31
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# disable ( when port is disabled)
Change port 1/1/31 hw_state from PORT_READY(7) to DISABLED(0)
stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 20608BF8 2060B5A4 20576A90 20576C74
2057707C 202A50A8 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8
20047698 2011CF7C 5008
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# change port 1/1/32 hw_state from PORT_READY(7)
stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 20608E18 20609344 20609AFC 2055FA50
2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524
If port 1/1/31 is enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/32)# interface ethernet 1/1/31
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# enable
Change port 1/1/31 hw_state from DISABLED(0) to SEEQ_INIT(1)
stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 20608A34 2060B598 20576BC4 20576C74
2057707C 202A4F84 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8
20047698 2011CF7C 5008
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# change port 1/1/31 hw_state from SEEQ_INIT(1) to
stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 206093D0 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214
200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524
Change port 1/1/32 hw_state from SEEQ_INIT(1) to PORT_READY(7)
stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 206093D0 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214
200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524
debug port port
Syntax: [no] debug port port stackid/slot/port
This command monitors a specific physical port and is used with the debug port up-down or debug
port hw-state commands. The stackid/slot/port variable refers to the stack ID, slot number, and
port number.
Brocade# debug port port 1/1/2
Topology: Port 1/1/31 is connected to port 1/1/2.
When the debug port hw-state command is enabled after the debug port port command, the
output similar to the following example is displayed.
Brocade# debug port port 1/1/2
monitor port 1/1/2
Brocade# debug port hw-state
If port 1/1/2 is disabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/2)# disable
port_disable_cmd: for port 0x1 1/1/2
U1, hal_pp_link_port_enable(1/1/2, 0), is_stby=0, to_shadow=0, parsed = 3,
stack: 0116c83c 000de8f0 00accc3c 00acd6ac 00ad21f4 0136c614 0136c850 0136cf00
012b842c 0084b3b0 0084e0a0 00847608 00966c0c 0086c110 0086c154 00243f98 000f0524
00246f54 0159f920 017713c4
pp_link_port_en_dis(port=1/1/2, 0), return 0
stack: 0116ca20 000de8f0 00accc3c 00acd6ac 00ad21f4 0136c614 0136c850 0136cf00
012b842c 0084b3b0 0084e0a0 00847608 00966c0c 0086c110 0086c154 00243f98 000f0524
00246f54 0159f920 017713c4
Change 1/1/2 state from Forward to Disable