Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference User Manual

Page 14

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Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference


Generic debug commands


debug ?

Syntax: debug ?

This command generates a list of available debug variables.


Many first-level variables have their own variable subsets. When you enter a debug command, the
system indicates that there are additional variables available and you have entered an incomplete
command. Add a space and a question mark to your original command to view the additional

debug all

Syntax: [no] debug all

This command enables all the debug functions, and should be used only during a troubleshooting
session with a Brocade technician.

Brocade# debug all

Warning! This may severely impact network performance!

All possible debuggings have been turned on

Enter the no command to cancel the setting.

Brocade#no debug all

Debug message destination: default (console)

All possible debuggings have been turned off

tracking is off and all results are cleared

Disabling ACL log

Don't monitor port


The debug all command generates extensive output and can significantly slow device operation.
Use this command with caution. Never use this command during periods of peak network activity.
Enter no debug all to stop the output.

debug destination

Syntax: [no] debug destination [ console | logging | telnet num | ssh num ]

Brocade# debug ip

Incomplete command

Brocade#debug ip ?

arp ARP messages

dhcp_snooping DHCP snooping

icmp ICMP transactions

igmp IGMP protocol activity

pim PIM/dvmrp protocol activity

source_guard Source Guard

ssh SSH information

tcp TCP information

udp UDP based transactionstp

web WEB HTTP/HTTPS information