Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference User Manual

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Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference


MCT show commands



100 Deployed

no 1/15 - Preforwarding


The command output resembles the following example for the speciifed client..

Brocade# show cluster 1 client c1

Cluster abc 1


Rbridge Id: 101, Session Vlan: 3999, Keep-Alive Vlan: 4001

Cluster State: Deploy

Client Isolation Mode: Loose

Configured Member Vlan Range: 100 to 105

Active Member Vlan Range: 100 to 105

MCT Peer's Reachability status using Keep-Alive Vlan: Peer Reacheable

Client Info:


Client: c1, rbridge-id: 300, Deployed

Client Port: 3/3

State: Up

Number of times Local CCEP down: 1

Number of times Remote CCEP down: 0

Number of times Remote Client undeployed: 0

Total CCRR packets sent: 11

Total CCRR packets received: 12

show cluster config

Syntax: show cluster config [cluster_id | cluster_name]

This command displays only the cluster configuration information as shown in the following

Brocade# show cluster 1 config

cluster abc 1

rbridge-id 20

session-vlan 3999

keep-alive-vlan 4001

icl icl1 ethernet 3/1

peer rbridge-id 100 icl icl1


client c1

rbridge-id 300

client-interface ethernet 3/3


client c2

rbridge-id 301

client-interface ethernet 3/13


show mac cluster

Syntax: show mac cluster cluster_ID | cluster_name [local | remote | client | vlan]

cluster_id - Specifies the cluster ID.

cluster_name - Specifies the cluster name.

local - Displays MAC entries that are learned locally.

remote - Displays MAC entries that are learned through the MDUP message from the peer.