Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference User Manual
Page 53

Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
MCT show commands
Brocade# show cluster ccp peer detail
**************Peer Session Details*********************
IP address of the peer
Rbridge ID of the peer 100
Session state of the peer OPERATIONAL
Next message ID to be send 3369
Keep Alive interval in seconds 30
Hold Time Out in seconds 90
Fast Failover is enable for the session
UP Time 1 days: 4 hr: 3 min:55 sec
Number of tcp packet allocations failed 0
Message Init Keepalive Notify Application Badmessages
Send 9 3932 0 102 0
Receive 9 3932 0 100 0
TCP connection is up
TCP connection is initiated by
TCP connection tcbHandle not pending
TCP connection packets received
**************TCP Connection Details*********************
TCP Connection state: ESTABLISHED Maximum segment size: 1436
Local host:, Local Port: 12071
Remote host:, Remote Port: 4175
ISentSeq: 160671712 SendNext: 160726330 TotUnAck: 0
TotSent: 54618 ReTrans: 1 UnAckSeq: 160726330
IRcvSeq: 751804 RcvNext: 806410 SendWnd: 16384
TotalRcv: 54606 DupliRcv: 0 RcvWnd: 16384
SendQue: 0 RcvQue: 0 CngstWnd: 1436
show cluster client
Syntax: show cluster cluster_name | cluster_id client client_name | client_RbridgeID
cluster_name—Specifies the cluster name.
cluster_id—Specifies the cluster port ID.
client_name—Specifies the client name.
client_RbridgeID—Specifies the client Rbridge ID.
This command displays cluster information for all clients configured in a cluster or for a specified
The following output is displayed when the show cluster command is configured with the cluster ID.
Brocade# show cluster 3000 client
Client Info:
Number of Clients Configured: 1
Config LACP Port Trunk FSM-State
100 Deployed
no 1/15 - Preforwarding
The following output is displayed when the show cluster command is configured with the cluster
Brocade# show cluster SX client
Client Info:
Number of Clients Configured: 1
Config LACP Port Trunk FSM-State