Packet-capture debug commands – Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference User Manual
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Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
Packet-capture debug commands
Packet-capture debug commands
The following debug packet-capture command helps to debug packet flows and capture packets
designated for the management module for debugging. This command has additional filter and
mode option parameters for refining the traffic sources and the format of the saved data.
debug packet-capture
Syntax: [no] debug packet-capture [ all | count-reset | count-show | exclude-mgmt-port | filter |
max | mode | no-limit | no-mgmt-port | receive | send ]
all—Displays the debugging information of the packets transmitted and received.
count-reset—Clears the total packet count of the packets captured.
count-show —Displays the total packet count of the packets captured for debugging.
exclude-mgmt-port—Enables debugging of the packets that are excluded for the management
filter—Enables the raw packet filter for debugging.
max—Displays the maximum number of packets.
mode—Displays the various packet modes.
no-limit—Displays the debugging information of an unlimited number of packets.
no-mgmt-port—Toggles the display of packets from the management port.
receive—Debugs only the packets that are received.
send—Debugs only the packets that are transmitted.
The debug packet-capture command displays information about packet-capture activity.
debug packet-capture filter
Syntax: [no] debug packet-capture filter filter_index filter_options
The filter_index parameter specifies the filter number. The decimal value ranges from 1 through
The filter_options parameter specifies the filter option. The following are the various options in
all—Matches all packet
arp—Matches an ARP request or response
broadcast-mac—Matches the destination broadcast MAC address (0000.00FF.FFFF)
cdp—Matches with the CDP
clear—Clears the filter entry
clear-counter—Clears the counter
cpu-code—Matches the CPU code
da—Matches the destination MAC address
dhcp—Matches with the DHCP
dot1x—Matches the dot1x protocol
dpa—Matches the destination IP address
dport—Matches the destination protocol port