Recovering from a lost password – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Security Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 34

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Enhance the Port Configuration privilege level so users also can enter IP commands at the global
CONFIG level.

device(config)#privilege configure level 4 ip

In this command, configure specifies that the enhanced access is for a command at the global
CONFIG level of the CLI. The level 4 parameter indicates that the enhanced access is for
management privilege level 4 (Port Configuration). All users with Port Configuration privileges will
have the enhanced access. The ip parameter indicates that the enhanced access is for the IP
commands. Users who log in with valid Port Configuration level user names and passwords can enter
commands that begin with "ip" at the global CONFIG level.

Syntax: [no] privilege cli-level level privilege-level command-string

The cli-level parameter specifies the CLI level and can be one of the following values:

exec - EXEC level; for example, device> or device#
configure - CONFIG level; for example, device(config)#
interface - Interface level; for example, device(config-if-6)#
loopback-interface - loopback interface level
virtual-interface - Virtual-interface level; for example, device(config-vif-6)#
dot1x - 802.1X configuration level
ipv6-access-list - IPv6 access list configuration level
rip-router - RIP router level; for example, device(config-rip-router)#
ospf-router - OSPF router level; for example, device(config-ospf-router)#
dvmrp-router - DVMRP router level; for example, device(config-dvmrp-router)#
pim-router - PIM router level; for example, device(config-pim-router)#
bgp-router - BGP4 router level; for example, device(config-bgp-router)#
vrrp-router - VRRP configuration level
gvrp - GVRP configuration level
trunk - trunk configuration level
port-vlan - Port-based VLAN level; for example, device(config-vlan)#
protocol-vlan - Protocol-based VLAN level

The privilege-level indicates the number of the management privilege level you are augmenting. You
can specify one of the following:

0 - Super User level (full read-write access)
4 - Port Configuration level
5 - Read Only level

The command -string parameter specifies the command you are allowing users with the specified
privilege level to enter. To display a list of the commands at a CLI level, enter "?" at that level's
command prompt.

Recovering from a lost password

Recovery from a lost password requires direct access to the serial port and a system reset.

You can perform this procedure only from the CLI.

Follow the steps given below to recover from a lost password.

Recovering from a lost password


FastIron Ethernet Switch Security Configuration Guide
