Yokogawa Integral Oxygen Analyzer ZR202 User Manual
Page 124

IM 11M13A01-04E
10.1.12 Heater On-Time Ratio
The probe sensor is heated to and maintained at 750˚C. When the measured gas tem-
perature is high, the amount of heater ON-time decreases.
10.1.13 Oxygen Concentration (with time constant)
When the output damping is specified in the mA-output range setting, the corresponding
time constant is also displayed.
10.1.14 Maximum Oxygen Concentration
The maximum oxygen concentration and the time of its occurrence during the period
specified in the Averaging display are displayed. If the setup period elapses, the maxi-
mum oxygen concentration that has been displayed so far will be cleared and a new
maximum oxygen concentration will be displayed. If the setup period of time is
changed, the current maximum oxygen concentration will be displayed (for more details,
see Section 8.7.2 earlier in this manual).
10.1.15 Minimum Oxygen Concentration
The minimum oxygen concentration and the time of its occurrence during the period
specified in the Averaging display are displayed. If the setup period elapses, the mini-
mum oxygen concentration that has been displayed so far will be cleared and a new
minimum oxygen concentration will be displayed. If the setup period of time is changed,
the current minimum oxygen concentration will be displayed (for more details, see
Section 8.7.2 earlier in this manual).
10.1.16 Average Oxygen Concentration
The average oxygen concentration during the periods over which average values are
calculated is displayed. If the setup period elapses, the average oxygen concentration
that has been displayed so far will be cleared and a new average oxygen concentration
will be displayed. If the setup period of time is changed, the current average oxygen
concentration will be displayed (for more details, see Section 8.7.2 earlier in this
10.1.17 Span-gas and Zero-gas Correction Ratios
Span-gas and zero-gas correction ratios for the past ten calibrations are recorded to
enable you to check the degradation of the sensor (cell). If the correction ratio is beyond
the limits as shown in Figure 10.2, the sensor should no longer be used.
These ratios can be found by calculating the data as shown below.