Yokogawa Integral Oxygen Analyzer ZR202 User Manual
Page 112

IM 11M13A01-04E
Characteristic Data from a Sensor Measured During Calibration
During calibration, calibration data and sensor status data (listed below) are acquired.
However, if the calibration is not properly conducted (an error occurs in automatic or
semi-automatic calibration), these data are not collected in the current calibration.
These data can be observed using parameter codes A20 to A22, and A50 to A79. For an
explanation and the operating procedures of individual data, consult Section 10.1,
“Detailed Display”.
(1) Record of span correction factor
Recorded the past ten span correction factors.
(2) Record of zero correction factors
Recorded the past ten zero correction factors.
(3) Response time
You can monitor the response time provided that a two-point calibration has been
done in semi-automatic or automatic calibration.
(4) Cell’s internal resistance
The cell’s internal resistance gradually increases as the cell (sensor) deteriorates. You
can monitor the values measured during the latest calibration. However, these values
include the cell’s internal resistance and other wiring connection resistance. So, the
cell’s degrading cannot be estimated from these values only.
When only a span calibration has been made, these values will not be measured, and
previously measured values will remain.
(5) Robustness of a cell
The robustness of a cell is an index for predicting the remaining life of a sensor and
is expressed in a number on four levels.