Caution – Yokogawa Integral Oxygen Analyzer ZR202 User Manual
Page 115

IM 11M13A01-04E
9. Calibration
When the calibration mode is in automatic:
In addition to the above output stabilization time and calibration time, set the interval,
start date, and start time.
Interval means the calibration intervals ranging from 000 days, 00 hours to 255 days, 23
Set the first calibration date and the start-calibration time to the start date and start time
respectively. After the first calibration is carried out, the next calibration will be ex-
ecuted according to the preset calibration intervals. Setting
When setting calibration timing requirements, bear the following precautions in mind:
(1) If the calibration interval is shorter than the sum of stabilization time plus calibration
time, the second calibration start time will conflict with the first calibration. In such a
case, the second calibration will not be conducted. (When both zero and span
calibrations are to be performed, the calibration time is double that required for a
single (zero or span) calibration).
(2) For the same reason, if the calibration start time conflicts with manual calibration or
semi-automatic calibration, the current calibration will not be conducted.
(3) If the calibration time conflicts with maintenance service or blowback operations,
calibration will start after completing the maintenance service or blowback opera-
tions (see Section 8.3.1, earlier in this manual).
(4) If 000 days, 00 hours are set for the calibration intervals, only the first calibration
will be conducted; a second or later calibration will not be conducted.
(5) If a past date is set to the calibration start date, no calibration will be conducted.
Table 9.1 Parameter Codes for Calibration Setting
Set Item
Parameter code Set value
Engineering unit
Zero-gas concentration
Set Zero-gas concentration
Span-gas concentration
Set Span-gas concentration
Calibration mode
0 : Manual calibration
1 : Semi-automatic and manual
2 : Automatic, semi-automatic, and manual
Output stabilization
0 minutes 0 seconds to 60 minutes 59 seconds
Calibration time
0 minutes 0 seconds to 60 minutes 59 seconds
Calibration period
0 days 0 hours to 255 days 23 hours
Date and time
Start date and time
Date and time of first calibration
Calibration procedure
0 : Zero and span
1 : Span only
2 : Zero only