Luminex 100 IS Developer Workbench Guide Version 2.3 User Manual

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100 IS Developer Workbench Guide Version 2.3





PN 89-00002-00-084 Rev. B

17. These commands become part of the template and are always

performed in the order specified. Each well command is
automatically assigned to the next available well. Laboratory
personnel can select the starting location on the plate, but they
can not change these commands or the order in which they are
performed. Remember that if you have more than one command
that involves the reservoir, those commands must use the same

Table 3 lists available template commands.

18. After you enter all the information, click Save to save the

template, then click Close to exit.

Table 3: Available Commands




Acquires an unknown sample.


Acquires a background sample from a well. The
background results are automatically subtracted
from standards, controls, and samples. If you are
running more than one background well, the
software will subtract the average of the
background samples.

Acquire Control

Acquires the specified control from a well. If a
specified control is selected more than once, the
software calculates the results for each well
independently. It then reports an average of the
control samples.

Acquire Standard

Acquires the specified standard from a well. If a
specified standard is selected more than once, the
software calculates the results for each well
independently. It then reports an average of the
two samples.

Acquire Test

Acquires a sample reading from a well. If Acquire
Test Specimen is selected more than once, the
software calculates the results for each well
independently. However, samples having identical
Sample IDs are treated as replicates reporting an
average of the individual samples.


Backflushes the system by reversing the flow of
sheath fluid through the cuvette.

Calibrate CAL1

Acquires calibration beads from a well to calibrate
the Classification and DD channels.

Calibrate CAL2

Acquires calibration beads from a well to calibrate
the Reporter channel.


You can return and edit

any unused templates using the
Edit Template feature.