About keys, Temporary or latched action, Active and non-active keys – Clear-Com i-Series Panels User Manual
Page 21: About keys -11, Temporary or latched action -11, Active and non-active keys -11
Clear-Com Communication Systems
I-Series Instruction Manual
1 - 1 1
Display panels have full-graphic LED-backlit displays that you program
from the Eclipse Configuration System. Non-display panels have metal
grooves into which paper labels can be inserted. Paper labels can be
printed from the Eclipse Configuration System.
Each key on any key module can be assigned as a talk, a listen, or a
talk-with-listen from the Eclipse Configuration System. See the Eclipse
Configuration System Manual for more information.
Temporary or Latched Action
When you press a key to talk or listen, the key can be switched on
either temporarily or continuously.
When you switch a key on temporarily, it is active for the particular
period of time you require. Press and hold the key down for the desired
length of time needed to talk or listen, then release the key to return it
to its non-active state. You will only be able to talk or listen while you
press the key.
Continuous or “latched” action allows you to lock a key into place, so
that you can talk or listen hands-free. Quickly tap a key to “latch” or
“lock” it into place to talk or listen. The key will glow brightly to indicate
that it is active. The key will remain latched until you tap it again to
return it to its non-active state.
Active and Non-Active Keys
When you activate a key—that is, when you press or latch the key to
talk or listen— the key becomes bright red or green. When you press
or latch an assigned talk key, the key lights up bright red while you talk
to the destination. When you press or latch an assigned listen key, the
key lights up bright green while you listen to the source.
Otherwise, a key that is not active—that is, a key that is not being used
to talk or listen— will be dimmed: dim red for a talk or talk-with-listen
key; dim green for a listen key.
Table 1-1 shows the key colors associated with active or non-active
talk, listen, or talk-with-listen keys.
Active keys are bright red or
green. Non-active keys are
dim red or green. Keys that
are not assigned are off, with
no illumination.