B&K Precision 2552-2559 - Manual User Manual

Page 84

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horizontal position on the waveform by turning the “Universal” knob. The

oscilloscope displays the values on the top left of the screen.

To do track cursor measurement, follow these steps:

1. Press CURSOR button to enter the cursor measure function


2. Press the “Cursor Mode” option button to select “Track”.

3. Press the “Cursor A” option button to select the input signal


4. Press the “Cursor B” option button to select the input signal


5. Select “Cur A”, turn the “Universal” knob to move Cursor A


6. Select “Cur B”, turn the “Universal” knob to move Cursor B


7. The measurement values are displayed on the left of the top


A T: The horizontal position of Cursor A (Time cursor

centered around the midpoint of screen)

A V: The vertical position of Cursor A (Voltage cursor

centered around channel ground level)

B T: The horizontal position of Cursor B (Time cursor

centered around the midpoint of the screen)

B V: The vertical position of Cursor B (Voltage cursor

centered around the channel ground level)

∆T: Horizontal space between Cursor A and Cursor B (Time

value between two cursors).

1/∆T: The reciprocal of horizontal space between cursor A and

cursor B.

∆V: Vertical space between Cursor A and Cursor B (Voltage

value between two cursors).