2 login types, 1 user access, 2 administrator access – ZyXEL Communications P-2602HWLNI User Manual

Page 50: 1 user access 2.2.2 administrator access, Figure 7 password screen

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Chapter 2 Introducing the Web Configurator

P-2602HWLNI User’s Guide


Figure 7 Password Screen

2.2 Login Types

There are two login types; “user” and “administrator”. When you choose user access, you can
make basic configuration changes only. Advanced features are not available. When you
choose administrator access, all features are available. See

Chapter 2 on page 57

for more


2.2.1 User Access

1 For user access, type the default user name user and default user password 1234 in the

password screen to enter the user mode.

2 If you haven’t changed the password yet, you can just click Login. Click Cancel to

revert to the default password in the password field. If you have changed the password,
enter your password and click Login.

3 Follow steps (from step 3) in

Section 2.2.2 on page 50



The default user name and password are case-sensitive.

2.2.2 Administrator Access

1 For administrator access, type the default user name admin and the default admin

password admin in the password screen to configure the advanced features.

2 Click Login to proceed to a screen asking you to change your password or click Cancel

to revert to the default password.

3 The following screen displays if you have not yet changed your password. It is strongly

recommended you change the default password. Enter a new password, retype it to
confirm and click Apply; alternatively click Ignore to proceed to the main menu if you
do not want to change the password now.