Programming language – Toshiba T2N User Manual

Page 219

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5. Programming Language



*Jump Control (JCS/JCR)


10 times

When the JCS input is ON, the
instructions from the rung following
JCS to the rung of JCR are read and
skipped at high speed (instructions are
only read and not executed). When the

JCS input is OFF, execution is normal.

When the JUMP instruction input is
ON, execution shifts to the rung
following the LBL instruction with the
designated label number (03 in the

example on the left) (the numbers in
the diagram on the left are the
execution sequence at this time).
When the JUMP instruction input is
OFF, execution is normal.

When the FOR instruction input is ON,
the instructions between FOR and

NEXT are repeatedly executed the
designated number of times (10 times
in the example on the left), and when
the designated number of times is
reached, execution is shifted to the
rung following the NEXT instruction.

When the FOR instruction input is
OFF, execution is normal.

When the CALL instruction input is
ON, execution is shifted to the rung
following the SUBR instruction with the
designated sub-routine number (20 in

the example in the left). When the RET
instruction is reached, execution is
returned to the instruction following the
CALL instruction destination (the
numbers in the diagram on the left are
the execution sequence at this time).

When the CALL instruction input is
OFF, execution is normal.

*Conditional Jump (JUMP/LBL)

*Repeat (FOR/NEXT)

*Sub-Routine (CALL/SUBR/RET)