Texas Instruments TMS320C64x DSP User Manual

Page 289

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Example 2: Noncontinuous Frame Display for 525/60 Format


Video Port Configuration Examples


/* Description : 8–bit BT.656 non–continuous frame display */
/* */
/* Some important field descriptions: */
/* */
/* DMODE = 000, 8–bit BT.656 mode */
/* CON = 0 */
/* FRAME = 1, display frame */
/* DF2 = 0 */
/* DF1 = 0, (8–bit non–continuous frame display) */
/* SCALE = 0, no scaling */
/* RESMPL = 0, no resampling */
/* DPK = X, not used in 8–bit display */
/* RSYNC = X, used in Raw mode(Enable second synchronized raw */
/* data channel) */
/* RGBX = X, used in Raw mode(RGB extract enable. Perform */
/* 3/4 FIFO unpacking) */
/* VCTL1S = 00, output HSYNC */
/* VCTL2S = 00, output VSYNC */
/* VCTL3S = 0, output CBLNK */
/* HXS = 0, VCTL1 is an output */
/* VXS = 0, VCTL2 is an output */
/* FXS = 0, VCTL3 is an output */
/* PVPSYN = 0, no previous port synchronization */
#include ”csl_vp.h”
#include ”csl_edma.h”
#include ”csl_irq.h”

/*–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
/* global variable declarations */
/* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
VP_Handle vpDisplayHandle; /* handle of vp that to be configured */

Uint8 dispYSpace[]; /* Display Y–data buffer */
Uint8 dispCbSpace[]; /* Display Cb–data buffer */
Uint8 dispCrSpace[]; /* Display Cb–data buffer */

EDMA_Handle hEdmaVPDispY;
EDMA_Handle hEdmaVPDispCb;
EDMA_Handle hEdmaVPDispCr;

Int32 edmaDispYTccNum = 0; /* EDMA tcc for Y channel */
Int32 edmaDispCbTccNum = 0; /* EDMA tcc for Cb channel */
Int32 edmaDispCrTccNum = 0; /* EDMA tcc for Cb channel */

volatile Uint32 displayFrameCount = 0; /* no of frames that are */

/* displayed


volatile Uint32 dispUnderrun = 0;

/* underrun error flag
