3 accessing alpha characters, 1 choosing a single alpha character, The keys – Psion Teklogix Schnellstart- Anleitung 7525 User Manual

Page 64: The function keys— to

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Chapter 3: Getting To Know The WORKABOUT PRO
Accessing Alpha Characters


Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual

The Keys

The WORKABOUT PRO S is equipped with five yellow keys. Two
keys are located on either side of the unit, next to the screen. Three addi-
tional keys are located near the top of the keyboard. Pressing a
key activates the scanner beam. For units without internal scanners, these keys are

The Function Keys— to

Perform special, custom-defined functions. These keys are accessed by pressing
followed by numeric keys <1> to <0>. They can be used with the
Windows Mobile 2003 SE operating system or another application.

3.6.3 Accessing Alpha Characters

All alpha characters are printed on the WORKABOUT PRO S plastic in orange
type above the numeric keys. To access an alpha character, you must first press the
key and then press the numeric key above which the alpha
character you want to type is printed.
Because the alpha keys on this unit are laid out much like the letters on a tele-
phone—generally in groups of three letters per numeric key—you need to take a
few extra steps to access the alphabetic characters. The examples following help
illustrate how to access alpha characters.

Choosing A Single Alpha Character

The examples following illustrate how to access, A, B and C, all of which are
printed in orange characters above the numeric key <2>.

The letters you choose appear in the taskbar, providing a visual
indicator of which letter will be displayed on the screen.

To choose the letter a:

Press the key, and press the numeric key <2>.

Note: To choose the second, third or fourth alpha character assigned to a

numeric key, you’ll need to lock the key ‘on’. By
default, the key is locked ‘on’ when pressed once.
However, depending on how your unit is set up in the One Shots tab, you
may find that you need to press the key twice to lock
it ‘on’. Refer to “One Shots” on page 82
for details.