John Deere OMPC20964 User Manual

Page 47

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GS2 Display—RTK



NOTE: If communication loss is WITHIN first hour of

base station operation, Extend Mode will
provide RTK accuracy for two minutes.

Communication loss AFTER first hour of base
station operation, Extend Mode will provide
RTK accuracy for 15 minutes.

Extend Mode (RTK-X)

If communication between base station and vehicle
radio is lost for more than 10 seconds, vehicle receiver
will automatically switch to Extend Mode and will
maintain RTK accuracy for a period of time. If base
station has been powered for less than one hour,
Extend Mode will be available for 2 minutes. If base
station receiver has been powered for more than one
hour, 15 minutes of Extend Mode will be available. If
base station communication is not re-established after
Extend period, receiver will default to EGNOS, or NO
DIFF where EGNOS is not available. To re-establish
communication move vehicle to a location where line
of sight to base station can be established.

Base Station Data (Information)

NOTE: Information that will be displayed when in

Quick Survey Base or Absolute Base Mode.

Operator can view the following:

• Status

– OK – Base Station is transmitting correction.
– No Stored Base – 24 hour self survey is required

for current location.

– Initializing – Receiver is initializing radio, acquiring

GPS signal.

– Self Survey – 24 hour self survey in progress.

• Sat. Corrections – Indicates number of GPS

satellites for which base station is transmitting

• Distance – Difference between base station location

(known position) and location indicated by
uncorrected GPS. Displayed in miles (kilometers).

• Direction – Direction from base station location

(known position) to location indicated by uncorrected
GPS. Displayed in degrees with true North as 0

• Base Battery – Base Station voltage. Displayed in


Vehicle Mode – Base Station Data

NOTE: Information that will be displayed when in

Vehicle Mode.

• Status

– OK – Base Station is transmitting correction.
– No Stored Base – 24 hour self survey is required

for current location.

– Initializing – Receiver is initializing radio, acquiring

GPS signal.

– Self Survey – 24 hour self survey in progress.
– No Signal – Vehicle RTK radio is not receiving

signal from base station.

• Sat. Corrections – Indicates number of GPS

satellites for which base station is transmitting

• Distance – Difference from base station to vehicle

receiver. Displayed in miles (kilometers).

• Direction – Direction in degrees to base station.

Displayed in degrees with true North as 0 degrees.

• Base Battery – Base Station voltage. Displayed in


Radio Data and Connection

• Signal Level – Level of signal which is detected at

radio. Press Refresh button to refresh signal level.

• Data Received (%) – Percent of received correction

to vehicle from base station.

Indicates source of correction. If there is no correction,
this will toggle between base and repeater. There is
also a TOGGLE button for manual toggle between two


