ProSoft Technology MVI56-AFC User Manual
Page 53
MVI56-AFC ♦ ControlLogix Platform
Meter Proving
Liquid and Gas Flow Computer
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 53 of 316
February 25, 2011
4.2.1 Initial Requirements
In its current version, the AFC supports proving of only liquid products, measured
with linear devices that use pulse counts as the primary input variable, where
each pulse represents a specific liquid volume.
In the Meter Configuration dialog box above, Meter 1 is used in this example as
the meter selected to be proved. It can be proved using any one of the four
provers that the AFC supports. These provers are described in the Prover
Configuration section. There is an Identification button which opens an editable
options window, shown below. Text entered here appears on the proving report.