Epson PhotoPC 650 User Manual

Page 96

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Working with Photos and Collections

Four control boxes appear in the corners:


Use the tools in the Photo Page window taskbar to
adjust the size and position of the picture:

Click the

Enlarge tool, then click in the picture

area to enlarge its size 10% with each mouse click.

Click the

Reduce tool, then click in the picture

area to reduce its size 10% with each mouse click.

Click the

Pan tool, then click and drag the

picture to reposition it.


To add text to the Photo Page, click the

Text tool.

Then click and drag the mouse over the area where you
want to place a text box and type your text in the box.


Now click on the text box border; the border becomes
striped with control boxes in each corner.

To resize or reposition your text box, click and drag
the striped border.

To edit the text, click inside the text box where you
want the cursor positioned and add or delete text.


text box