Yaskawa iQpump Drive User Manual User Manual
Page 93

5.1 iQpump Basic Programming Parameters
YASKAWA TM.iQp.01 iQpump Drive User Manual
iQpump command register number: 0001
Stop Command:
Transmit value of 0000 (16 bit) to iQpump command address.
Start Command:
Transmit value of 0001 (16 bit) to iQpump command address.
Reset Command:
Transmit value of 0008 (16 bit) to iQpump command address.
If the Run command input is determined by a network communications option PCB: b1-02 = “3: Option PCB,” and initiate the Run
command through the available network communications option PCB listed below. The Installation Guides (IG) and Technical Manuals
(TM) are available at
The iQpump Controller allows for monitoring, diagnostics and control using any of the following communication option cards:
• Profibus DP Option Card CM061 Manual: IG.AFD.12
• DeviceNet Option Card CM05X Manual: IG.AFD.14
• Modbus Plus Option Card CM071 Manual: IG.AFD.17
• Modbus TCP/IP Option Card CM090 Manual: IG.AFD.25
• EtherNet/IP Option Card CM092 Manual: IG.AFD.26
Note: Refer to the
communication card instruction manual
or consult factory for installation and operation instructions.
Start/Stop from Comm. Option Card (Parameter b1-01 = 3):
The iQpump Controller allows for the Setpoint reference to be set via any of the following communication option cards:
Feedback Device
The iQpump Controller requires a feedback device (e.g. Pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) to perform automatic system regulation.
Any analog 0~10V or 4-20mA feedback device can be used in combination with the iQpump controller.
Connecting Your Feedback Device to the iQpump Controller
Note: The factory default setting for the iQpump controller is 4~20mA feedback device connected to
analog input A2.
To successfully operate the iQpump drive remotely, an external run command must be received by the
iQpump drive. Parameter b1-02 specifies from where the run command will be accepted.
Although the Run Source and the Reference Source (b1-01) are normally taken from the same source (e.g.
digital operator, terminals or serial communication), this is not always the case.
To issue a run command from the digital operator: Set b1-02 = “0: Operator,” and use the HAND and
OFF buttons to start and stop the iQpump drive.
To issue the run command from the terminals: Set b1-02 = “1: Terminals,” and select between 2-wire
and 3-wire control operation by doing the following:
2-Wire Control The factory default setting is for 2-wire operation. In the 2-wire configuration a closure between S1 and SN will be
interpreted as a Forward Run command by the iQpump drive.
Figure 5.6
Figure 5.7 2-Wire Control
3-Wire Control When any of the multi-function digital input parameters, H1-01 through H1-05, is set to 0, terminals S1 and S2 become
Run and Stop, respectively. The multi-function digital input that was set to 0 will function as a Forward/Reverse input for the iQpump
• Profibus DP Option Card CM061
Manual: IG.AFD.12
• DeviceNet Option Card CM05X
Manual: IG.AFD.14
• Modbus Plus Option Card CM071
Manual: IG.AFD.17
• Modbus TCP/IP Option Card CM090
Manual: IG.AFD.25
• EtherNet/IP Option Card CM092
Manual: IG.AFD.26
FWD Run/Stop
REV Run/Stop
2 wire control