E2 motor setup – Yaskawa iQpump Drive User Manual User Manual
Page 108

5.1 iQpump Basic Programming Parameters
YASKAWA TM.iQp.01 iQpump Drive User Manual
Figure 5.17
Figure 5.20 Custom V/f Pattern Programming Curve
Increasing the voltage in the V/f pattern increases the available motor torque. However, when setting a custom V/f pattern, increase the
voltage gradually while monitoring the motor current, to prevent:
• iQpump drive faults as a result of motor over-excitation
• Motor overheating or excessive vibration
◆ E2 Motor Setup
E2-01 Motor Rated Current
Setting Range:
10% to 200%
Factory Default: Model Dependent
The Motor Rated Current parameter (E2-01) is necessary information for the iQpump drive motor protection function. The motor
overload protection parameter L1-01 is enabled by default. In addition, motor rated current is used by the torque compensation function
to insure optimum torque production. Set E2-01 to the full load amps (FLA) value stamped on the motor’s nameplate. During Auto-
tuning, it is required for the operator to enter the motor rated current in parameter T1-04 on the Auto-Tuning menu. If the Auto-tuning
operation completes successfully, the value entered into T1-04 will be also written into E2-01.
For applications employing a iQpump drive that is oversized for the motor, E2-01 may be set as low as 10% of the iQpump drive output
current rating. The AMP value in E2-01, however, must always be greater than the “No Load Current” value in parameter E2-03 or an
OPE02 error will be displayed.
E2-03 No Load Current
Setting Range:
Model Dependent
Factory Default: Model Dependent
Set E2-03 to the motor no-load current at rated voltage and rated frequency. Consult the motor manufacturer for the proper value if the no
load current is not stated on the motor nameplate.
E2-04 Number of Motor Poles
Setting Range:
2 to 48
Factory Default: 2
This parameter sets the number of motor poles used for no-flow detection function and for the calculation of RPM-related parameters.
E1-09 E1-07
Max Voltage E1-05
Mid Voltage B E1-12
Mid Voltage A E1-08
Base Voltage E1-13
Min Voltage E1-10
Freq B
Freq A