Entering a simple contour formula, Contour machining with sl cycles, 1 0 sl cy cles with simple cont our f o rm ula – HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (340 49x-04) User Manual
Page 497

cles with Simple Cont
our F
Entering a simple contour formula
You can use soft keys to interlink various contours in a mathematical
Show the soft-key row with special functions.
Select the menu for functions for contour and point
Press the CONTOUR DEF soft key. The TNC opens
the dialog for entering the contour formula.
Enter the name of the first subcontour. The first
subcontour must always be the deepest pocket.
Confirm with the ENT key.
Specify via soft key whether the next subcontour is a
pocket or an island. Confirm with the ENT key.
Enter the name of the second subcontour. Confirm
with the ENT key.
If needed, enter the depth of the second subcontour.
Confirm with the ENT key.
Carry on with the dialog as described above until you
have entered all subcontours.
Contour machining with SL Cycles
As a rule, always start the list of subcontours with the
deepest pocket!
If the contour is defined as an island, the TNC interprets
the entered depth as the island height. The entered
value (without an algebraic sign) then refers to the
workpiece top surface!
If the depth is entered as 0, then for pockets the depth
defined in the Cycle 20 is effective. Islands then rise up
to the workpiece top surface!
The complete contour is machined with the SL Cycles 20
to 24 (see “SL cycles” on page 447).