Amer Networks E5 CLI User Manual
Page 225

If users are grouped according to source or
destination network, the size of the network has to
be specified by this setting. (Default: 0)
Enable dynamic balancing of groups. (Default: No)
Specifies the lowest allowed precedence for traffic
in this pipe. If a packet with a lower precedence
enters, its precedence is raised to this value.
(Default: 0)
Specifies the default precedence for the pipe. If a
packet enters this pipe without a set precedence, it
gets assigned this value. Should be higher than or
equal to the minimum precedence. (Default: 0)
Specifies the highest allowed precedence for traffic
in this pipe. If a packet with a higher precedence
enters, its precedence is lowered to this value.
Should be higher than or equal to the default
precedence. (Default: 7)
Text describing the current object. (Optional)
Chapter 3: Configuration Reference