3 internal data structures, 1 introduction, 2 global ram data structure – Welltech Dialogic SS7 Protocols ISUP User Manual

Page 17: 3 circuit group data structure, 4 per circuit data structure, Internal data structures, Introduction, Global ram data structure, Circuit group data structure, Per circuit data structure

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SS7 Protocols ISUP Programmer's Manual Issue 15



Internal Data Structures

3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the internal data structures that are used by the ISUP
module to assist the user in understanding the operation of the module. It is

not necessary to acquire detailed knowledge of these structures in order to

use the module.


Global Ram Data Structure

The entire data storage used by the module is contained in a single structure.

This structure contains global configuration settings, per circuit storage,
circuit group configuration data, and per-call storage all relating to operation

of the ISUP protocol. It also contains internal event queues, timer control

structures and internal buffers for message processing.


Circuit Group Data Structure

Each circuit group has a data structure within the global ram structure that

contains the user supplied configuration parameters for the circuit group (e.g.

Signaling Point Codes, Circuit Identification and Configuration Options). The
information in the circuit group data structure applies to all circuits in the

circuit group.


Per Circuit Data Structure

Each circuit has a data structure within the global ram structure that is used

to store the current state of state machines associated with the circuit and

any current call details.