Hypertherm HTA Rev 6.00 Install Guide User Manual
Page 71

Section 4: Password Setups
Drive Type
This parameter is used to tell the control what type of control loop to run. If you are running an
external velocity loop drive (indicated by having an integrated tachometer in the motor), select
Velocity. If you are running in torque mode (no tachometer), select Current.
DAC Polarity
This parameter allows changing of the analog output polarity to establish proper control loop
feedback without any wiring changes.
Encoder Polarity
This parameter allows changing of the encoder input polarity to establish proper counting for positive
machine motion without any wiring changes.
Encoder Decode Mode
Currently, the control only supports 4X encoder decode mode. This has been done to increase
positional accuracy.
Use Hardware Overtravels
Select whether or not the cutting machine will be using Hardware Overtravels. If Hardware
Overtravels are used, the control will disable feedback and display an error message if the inputs
become active. It is recommended that Hardware Overtravels be installed.
Backlash Compensation
The Backlash Compensation parameter is used to offset or compensate for any backlash in the
mechanics of the drive system.
The Home parameter is used to activate use of the Home feature. Depending on control I/O
configuration, the table may be Homed to either a designated Home Switch or an Overtravel Switch.
The Home feature is used to set a known absolute physical position location on the cutting table that
is used for referencing future manual “Go to Home” and other motion commands. This is generally
performed through activation of a home switch positioned on the appropriate axis giving it a known
physical location.
When the Homing command is entered at the control, the control will move the axis towards the
Home Switches at the Fast Home Speed until the switches have been activated. Once the switches
have been activated, motion stops and then the axis moves in the opposite direction off switch at the
Slow Home Speed. The moment that the switch is deactivated, the position is recorded at the
control, providing an absolute reference point for future motion commands.
Absolute Home Position
Defines the position of the axis when the Home Limit Switch or Marker Pulse is detected.
Home Offset Distance
Allows the user to set an offset distance from the Home Limit Switch.
Home Switch Normally
If a Home Limit Switch is used, the user is prompted for switch polarity.
Home Direction
Determines which direction the axes will travel during phase one of the homing sequence.