Hypertherm HTA Rev 6.00 Install Guide User Manual
Page 57

Section 4: Password Setups
Cut/Mark Sense 1& 2
Cut/Mark Sense ( arc on feedback ) is used to verify that the plasma
torch or marker tool has established the Arc for the selected process.
This indicates to the control that motion can begin. (Type “V” controls).
THC Cut Sense
THC Cut Sense ( arc on feedback ) is used to verify that the plasma
torch or marker tool has established the Arc for the selected Sensor™
THC . This indicates to the control that motion can begin. (Type “V”
Plasma Select 1 & 2
The Plasma Select 1 & 2 are used to select which Plasma process logic
will be used by the control. These inputs are generally run by external
switches. (Type “V” controls).
Marker Select 1 & 2
The Marker Select 1 & 2 are used to select which Marker process logic
will be used by the control. These inputs are generally run by external
switches. (Type “V” controls).
Sensor THC Enable
The type “V” control system has the ability to operate multiple Sensor™
THCs which are commanded by the control, as separate axes. The
control requires an input to indicate which Sensor™ THCs are active.
This input is now supported by the Station Select input.
THC Homing to Limit
The THC Enable Input is used during Sensor™ THC Homing as the
Current Limit input if the “Home to Hard Stop Current Limited” option is
Nozzle Contact Sense
The Nozzle Contact Sense Input is used during Sensor™ THC Initial
Height Sense to detect the location of the cut surface. This input is tied
back to the control through the external Voltage Divider Card.
THC Homing to Switch
The Nozzle Contact Sense Input is used during Sensor™ THC Homing
as the Home Switch input, if the “Home to Switch” option is selected.
THC Automatic
This input is used as an external input to switch the Sensor™ THC
between Automatic and Manual operation.
Speed Limit Input
The Speed Limit Input is used to limit the machine speed for saftety
during machine testing and maintenance. When active, motion will be
limited to the user defined Limited Machine Speed selected in the
password protected Speeds screen
Tilt +/– Overtravel Switch
This input indicates that the machine has traveled into its full positive
travel in the Tilt axis. If the hardware overtravels are enabled and this
input is activated, the control will stop all motion, generate a fault
message and only allow manual motion in the Tilt axis opposite
direction. The Tilt Overtravel Input is also used for Homing of the Tilt
Tilt +/–
Tilt +/- inputs are used for manual jog commands for the Tilt Axis.
Tilt Home Feature
This feature uses the Tilt Overtravel Switch input to indicate that the
machine has traveled to its Tilt axis home position. When a Homing
function is performed, the Tilt axis moves in the specified home
direction at the Fast Home Speed until the input is activated. The Tilt
axis then decelerates to a stop and moves in the opposite direction at