Hypertherm HTA Rev 6.00 Install Guide User Manual
Page 63
Section 4: Password Setups
Drive Enables
This setup parameter allows the user to select how the control responds to drive faults. If the setting
is Series, then all axes must complete their individual fault ramp times before the drives are disabled.
If the setting is independent, each drive is disabled immediately as soon as its axis fault ramp time is
Initial Feedback Delay
This feature allows the initial feedback from the Drive System to be held off after initial power up.
This allows the Drive System to fully enable prior to enabling the position loop.
Joystick Installed
Select “Yes” to enable the optional external Joystick. Not available for all control types and optional
control hardware required.
Speed Pot Installed
Select “Yes” to enable the optional external Speed Potentiometer. Not available for all control types
and optional control hardware required.
Plasma Override %
The Plasma Override feature is used in conjunction with the Speed Pot feature to set the minimum
and maximum range of adjustment of the plasma Speed Pot based on a percentage of the set cut
speed. The Speed Pot feature must be enabled for use.
Oxy Fuel Override %
The Oxy Fuel Override feature is used in conjunction with the Speed Pot feature to set the minimum
and maximum range of adjustment of the oxy fuel Speed Pot based on a percentage of the set cut
speed. The Speed Pot feature must be enabled for use.
Trial Override %
The Trial Override feature is used in conjunction with the Speed Pot feature to set the minimum and
maximum range of adjustment of the Trial Speed Pot based on a percentage of the set Trial speed.
The Speed Pot feature must be enabled for use.
Speed Pot Installed On
The Speed Pot installed on Parameter is used to assign Speed Pot inputs to the desired Analog Input
if a dedicated Speed Pot input is not available on the Analog input card being used.
Analog Offset 1- 12
The Analog Offsets 1 through 12 are used to correct for any imbalance or “Zero” the incoming analog
voltage to the Analog Input Card.