Hypertherm HTA Rev 6.00 Install Guide User Manual
Page 58

Installation & Setup Guide
the Slow Home Speed until the switch is deactivated. Also see Tilt
Overtravel Switch
Rotate +/–
Rotate +/- inputs are used for manual jog commands for the Rotate
Rotate Home Switch
This input indicates that the machine has traveled to its Rotate axis
home position. When a Homing function is performed, the Rotate axis
moves in the specified home direction at the Fast Home Speed until the
input is activated. The Rotate axis then decelerates to a stop, moves in
the opposite direction at the Slow Home Speed until the switch is
Pierce Complete
The Pierce Complete input is used for the Laser Cut Process and is
used to confirm that the pierce is complete.
Gas Control Read Comp.
The Gas Control Read Complete input is used as part of the HD3070
Automatic Gas Console communications to confirm communications is
Gas Control Error
The Gas Control Error input is used as part of the HD3070
Gas Console communications to notify of an error from the Auto Gas
Enable Oxy Fuel 1-12
These inputs are used for tracking of consumable data for the specified
Oxy Torch. This input is now supported by the Station Select input.
Enable Plasma 1-8
These inputs are used for tracking of consumable data for the specified
Plasma Torch. This input is now supported by the Station Select input.
Arc Error Counter 1-8
Used as part of the tracking for consumable data, this input triggers a
counter on the Change Consumable Screen. A Plasma Enable Input
must be mapped to have this enable available for use.
Test Lifter
This Input is used to perform a test IHS function with a Sensor™ THC.